Search Results - therapeutics

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Machine Learning for Guiding the Treatment of Arrythmias
Summary: A catheter and a machine-learning based method for identifying portions of the cardiac tissue that sustain arrhythmias during clinical procedures . The identified portions represent possible targets for ablation therapy to correct arrhythmias. What A catheter and a machine-learning algorithm for identifying pathological tissues that tethers...
Published: 03/08/2023   |   Inventor(s):  
Category(s): Therapeutics, Software, Medical devices, Artificial Intelligence
Candidalysin: Anti-fungal target and immunotherapeutic candidate
The Problem Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen, which normally exists as a commensal of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tracts and frequently causes superficial vaginitis infections. Moreover, common clinical procedures, such as gastrointestinal surgery, implantation of a central venous catheter or antibiotic...
Published: 14/05/2024   |   Inventor(s): Julian Naglik, Bernhard Hube, David Moyes, Sarah Höfs, Duncan Wilson, Shirley Tang, Jonathan Richardson
Category(s): Diagnostics, Therapeutics